Monday, July 21, 2008

About Campus Meet

"Campus Meet" is a time of celebration where the Youth from various campus' come together to experience and celebrate the true meaning of life. The program is designed to speak the message of love and life in the language of the youth of today.

The Campus Meet is a program conducted by Jesus Youth around the world.
The first Campus Meet was conducted in 1988 in which over 1500 students participated. This year Campus Meets are being conducted at Bangalore, Mangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur and Kerala. The first Campus Meet in Mangalore was held in the year 2000 and 350 youth participated in it.

The program adopts a unique style of reaching out to Campus Youth with vibrant sessions, youthful music, audio visuals, skits and choreography along with times of prayer which leaves the young participant with a fresh enriched spiritual experience.
Come and experience it!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

About Jesus Youth

"Jesus Youth is an international Catholic youth movement with a charismatic spirituality. The strength of the movement is its special focus on a Jesus-centered life, starting with a God experience, growing through prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments and fellowship and bearing fruit in a lifestyle of sharing the good news of Jesus with others. Jesus Youth is a wide network of small but strong fellowship groups of youth from different Catholic rites. Jesus Youth strive to set apart time for the Lord, answering the challenges of today's world in the power of the spirit."